<style> <!--
#myimage{ filter:light }
--> </style> <img id="myimage" src="http:gportal.hu/picview.php?prt=435121&gid=1825070&index5">
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//Image spotlight effect- By Erik F (die_schlampe@hotmail.com) //Code enhancements by Dynamicdrive.com //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script
s = 50; // the size of the spotlight vp = 10; // the visibility percent of the picture startx = 0; // the top position of your sportlight into the image (on start) starty = 0; // the left position of your spotlight into the image (on start)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // No need to edit below this line // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var IE = document.all?true:false
function moveL() { xv = tempX; yv = tempY; myimage.filters.light.MoveLight(1,xv,yv,s,true); }
if (IE&&myimage.filters) document.all.myimage.onmousemove = getMouseXY; var tempX = 0 var tempY = 0
function getMouseXY(e) { tempX = event.offsetX tempY = event.offsetY
if (tempX < 0){tempX = 0} if (tempY < 0){tempY = 0} if (t) { moveL(); }
return true }
var xv = startx; var yv = starty; var t= true; if (IE&&myimage.filters){ myimage.style.cursor="hand"; myimage.filters.light.addAmbient(255,255,255,vp) myimage.filters.light.addPoint(startx,starty,s,255,255,255,255) }